Your donation allows us to connect people and create partnerships around the world. Together we can fulfill the needs of children.
Here you will be able to select the amount you want to donate, it can be a one time payment, or you can make this a monthly recurring donation, look for the option when you click the button below, the choice is yours, either way, your money helps to bring hope to needy children.
Soy La Esperanza and the children thank you in advance.
You can send checks made payable to Soy La Esperanza to:
111 E. Lake Mary Blvd.
Suite 107
Sanford, FL 32773
For Credit Cards With Billing Address Outside of the United States
For Credit Cards With Billing Address In the United States (Paypal Account Not Required)
Donate, make a difference in the life of a child.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Where do my donations go?
Your donations will be used to support the local projects we work with in the areas of Food, Clothing, or Education. Through the organizations we support we provide for the needs of the children under their care.
Are my donations tax deductible?
We are a Not-for-Profit organization under Internal Revenue Code 501 (c) (3) and our donors can deduct the contributions that they make to us under IRC Section 170. You will get a receipt with every donation and a yearly statement.
How do I know if my donations are being used as intended?
All the projects that we support are identified by our local volunteers. We have procedures in place that assure us that the organizations that will receive our help are legitimate and working in the areas we support. Our staff makes periodic visits to the projects to ensure good use of the funding and to evaluate results. We will post periodic reports on our web page, and, if requested, we can keep you informed via email.